24/11/24 13:58

‘Workers’ are striving for sonship. Sons are living in the Sonship that is already theirs in Christ. The mediation of Christ liberates us from an obsession with self. Sin began when man believed the lie that Satan presented – that Father was less than he seemed and that they were not enough. Thus, Adam bought the delusion that he must take it upon himself to become who he was. But in separation from God, we can never be objectively who we are. In separation, which is the nature of the sin and the law, we are always less than ourselves, a distortion of ourselves and less alive than we can be in Christ. Our genuine and objective self is found in oneness with Christ.
Myk Habets writes, “For Torrance theosis involves achieving creaturely objectivity as opposed to sinful subjectivity. True objectivity is secured only in the Spirit who unites the creature to the humanity of the incarnate Son. This is important, as it guards Torrance’s doctrine of theosis from any false view of the ‘divinisation’ of humanity by any mechanical, naturalistic, evolutionary means.
“Participation in God is achieved by grace, by God alone… Torrance understands God’s presence in creation as communion, a communion in correspondence to the hypostatic union between God and humanity in Christ, and the onto-relations that exist in the perichoretic union of the three divine Persons in the one being of God.” He means our relationship with God in grace is similar to the trinitarian person’s relationship with each other.
We are one with God not by some mechanical observance of the law or by any diffuse attachment to moralism. Religion does not unite us to God and neither do charitable works. God unites us to God and God in Christ has made us one with Himself in Jesus Christ. This is the living way in which we are really alive.
In Jesus, the trinity has reached out to include you in the Family of God.
With Christ as our life, we are in a state of being, a state of belonging and real union with God of the kind that God is in Godself. God is three persons, one God. Part of each other, each person of the trinity is enhanced in their identity. Their oneness does not smother who they are but enables them to be who they are. It is this kind of oneness, known as perichoresis that reveals our identity in Christ and empowers us to minister from the true self as sons of God. Jesus had authority as a life-giver because He was the I AM of Himself. This is the authority you have as a genuine Son and imparter of spirit and life.
You are forgiven for your sins in Jesus Christ and transformed into your best self because He has come in your person. Just live the eucharist as your life everyday.
(1) Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance P 41.42