19/11/24 13:17

We can have droplets of God or swim continually in His River of Life. The principle of Christ our life is not a principle. It’s an incarnation. It’s Christ as you in the oneness of the Spirit. None of us can be truly alive while living a version of the knowledge of good and evil, even if lived in Christ’s name. There’s nothing devout about devoted legalism because legalism is not an expression of Christ’s Life.
The essence of the fall is separation from God. Religion based on the knowledge of good and evil is the attempt to be godly and find Godliness in a separated state from God. The law given to the Jews was a temporary device to give a degree of relationship with God during the saga of the reign of the tree of death – the tree that was and is the door to the unlife of separation from God and the quandary of trying to be like God in separation from God.
There’s no dualism in your genuine life with God. Not if you are living Christ’s gospel and not some aberration. And not unless you have created it yourself by sticking with a bent gospel. Jesus has undone this separation and given us the union with God that has always been His as member of the trinity. The union with God that is now ours is a gift – a gift from God of Godself. We need to be done with the fruitless task of earning Christ by assorted legalisms before we can have Him as Savior.
The cross means we have become enfolded in God who is with us and who has come in our flesh, meaning that in Jesus, God is woven into our being. God is never somewhere else. Christ is continually with you and in you. By this living way, we co-labour with Christ to multiply His life into the world.
Brother Lawrence wrote, “I make it my business only to persevere in His holy Presence, wherein I keep myself by a simple attention, and a general fond regard to GOD, which I may call an actual presence of GOD; or, to speak better, an habitual, silent and secret conversation of the soul with GOD, which often causes me joys and raptures inwardly, and sometimes also outwardly, so great, that I am forced to use means to moderate them and prevent their appearance to others. In short, I am assured beyond all doubt that my soul has been with GOD above these thirty years.” This is the inheritance of everyone who lives the incarnated life as their normal life. The ordinary is incarnated with God through you.
We are not with God because we are in church or in our prayer chair. We are with God because we are with God. And more than ‘with’. God is woven into our being and we are woven into Him. Our mission is to be a live branch rather than a dead one.
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (1614 – 1691) The Practice of the Presence of God. (1)
(1) Davis, Marshall. Experiencing God Directly: The Way of Christian Nonduality . Marshall Davis. Kindle Edition.