05/09/24 11:11
The Kingdom of God’s life is not a religion of externalities. It is Christ our life. Secular humanism strives to make a better life for all by changing behaviors. Christian legalism does the same. Your inheritance is a better life by Christ transforming the core of our being - By what Paul calls ‘Christ in you.’
The Kingdom Jesus began is not something external to us. Not something outside you. It’s Christ woven into your being. The new creation advances in the world because in Christ’s life people become people who are sons of God by adoption – an adoption in which one participates in God Himself. Enfolded in God in Christ we are in the Vine whose soil is the triune God. Joined to the vine we become branches and fruit of Jesus. This is called in other places the fruit of the Spirit.
Your treasure is union with God. ‘On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ JOHN 14.20 NIV.
Myk Habets writes, “Torrance notes that adoption is more biblically termed sonship through Christ (Rom 8.15, 23; Gal 3.26, 4.5–7; Eph 1.5). Accordingly, our human nature is now set within the Father-Son relationship. Through faith in Christ and union with him we share brotherhood with him and experience in him the Fatherhood of God, and in and through him we share in the Spirit of the living God.” Thus, because Christ is in you – you take in Jesus’ humanity and sonship. As Joe Bloggs, you become Him. This is the meaning of the Lord’s Table.
‘Belonging’ in Christ is not ours because we have found a proof text. It’s ours because we are incarnated with Christ and in Christ we are in God. In Christ you are included in God before you pick up a Bible. In Christ we are joined to God and God lives in us. Our person becomes the effect of His incarnation in our being. We are sons and daughters in spirit and truth because we participate in the divine nature. Why? Because Christ has made us one with God.