Ghan at Marla SA



A CONFERENCE LEADER once expressed a general truth: That there is a subtle war against fullness in Christ. We may see, if we are astute, an analogous attitude in politics and parts of Christianity. There is an aversion to Truth-Tellers, especially those who are intelligent, well-informed and articulate. Enemies of these attempt to put them down by spin, exaggeration, fear-mongering and outright lies.
Absorption in anything outside of Christ is death. Attachment to a false christ is life suffocated.

Sadly, this kind of politicking is not unknown in some Christian communities. Vested interests are not only averse to the unlimited life that is Christ since their religion is mainly about legalism and inhibition. They make a practise of sacking and excommunicating those who unwrap the Gospel of Jesus and the apostles in its innate freedom and fullness of life.

Paul and his colleagues presumed that God was a God who commissioned some to punish and to kill those who were interfering with God’s righteous purposes.”  (1) Contemporary fellow travellers may not kill people but they do attempt to silence them by besmirching their character, indulging in cover-ups and rationalising their collective accommodation to their brand of distorted Christian doctrine.

“On the road to Damascus he [Paul] was grasped instead by the fulfillment of the religion he was already a part of—a fulfillment, to be sure, that he wasn’t expecting.

So it is significant that Paul describes his experience of the risen Lord by using the language of “call,” thereby echoing the prophetic call narratives in the Jewish Scriptures in general, and the call of Jeremiah, the prophet to the pagan nations, in particular. This call language emphasizes God’s sovereignty over the entire process. The divine Lord made a claim on Paul’s life as he reached out to commission him in the way that he also commissioned his prophets of old. However, this call was certainly an unexpected one that involved a massive reorientation.” (2)

Paul spoke the theme and witness to scripture and Jewish culture that had always been present but warped and bent out of purpose to fit the interests of vested interests and the culture of the knowledge of good and evil presenting itself as God’s life. There is real life and un-life, false gospels and authentic Gospels, false christ’s and the Christ of God, the Holy Spirit and the spirit of antichrist.
(1)    Campbell, Douglas; DePue, Jon. Beyond Justification: Liberating Paul’s Gospel (p. 32). Cascade Books, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Kindle Edition.
(2)    Ibid p 33.
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