16/11/24 08:36

‘I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh’ Ezek 36.26 NIV. He will make us more human.
How do you get this heart? Christ lives in you and becomes your life.
We can make a kind of religion that comes close to being a game of trivial pursuit. This is the effect of legalistic assumptions and socialisation from distorted gospels. Even if our pieties are not trivial a gospel of sin management is not Christ’s Gospel, nor that of the apostles.
Even in the Old Testament, thoughtful people knew that sin was more than a mere ‘transgression of the law.’ David’s sin was grievous, a low act and had severe repercussions. Yet the Lord said of Him, ‘David is a man after my own heart.’ This of course is not an excuse for sinning. But it is a pointer to what sin is: The results of separation from God.
David loved God and rejoiced in being with God. We may say that David was an adulterer. But he was not adulterous towards God. There are divided loyalties and forms of godliness accompanied by much god-talk and moralising in which one can live an estranged and near adulterous life towards God.
Divided loyalty is adultery. A heart divided between one’s church and Christ is adulterous. The pure in heart see God and advance in Godliness.
Separation from God is a disease that God solved by Christ’s cross. We are not separated from God unless we have deceived ourselves into thinking that we are. Our inheritance in Christ is atonement, meaning at-one-ment with God. Union with God is ours and the reality that should fill our minds and the reality in which we should live – because it is ours.
The treasure in the field is much better than many of us have been led to believe. This treasure is union with God. God is not a hard man. The incarnation of God in your person and the presence of the Son of Man in the family of the trinity means we are a SO ONE WITH GOD.
So live in your union with God and leave behind the un-gospel of the law and sin-management. Jesus has made you one with Himself and one with God. This is the point of the cross, the reason for the incarnation and the means of the anointing of Holy Spirit.
Your union with God is forever. You don’t lose this union because you sin.
Francois Du Toit writes on Facebook, “Sin is singular - its symptoms are plural – it’s been a sonship thing from the beginning - no wonder Jesus says freedom indeed is found in the truth of our authentic and redeemed sonship - even the "other brother" has the Father pleading with him, "My son you have always been with me and all that I have is yours!" Sin is not about things you do or don’t do. Sin is missing out on sonship!