14/11/24 17:19

Paul specifically calls the law the ministry of death. This is why we live in Christ our life and not as dead folks walking in the law.
‘If the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory?’ 2 Cor 3.7 NIV. The ministry of death is the law specifically and the knowledge of good and evil generally along with religion culturally. Christ our life is the culture of the new creation. Christ in us imbues us with spirit and life.
Our inheritance is a life in God in Jesus Christ. This is not a Christian life as a religion. It is a life in which we are incarnated with the Christ of God. Here we are empowered to give life to dead things.
Jesus did not go about healing people to honour the law. He healed them to illustrate that He is our healer of every spiritual disease. What causes this disease? Separation from God.
Jesus heals us of every form of un-life.
Jesus has given us Himself as His life and our union with God. He did not leave us a religion in which to achieve this union. This union was already accomplished and ours in Him. Thus, it is His life as us that is the authentic life that is the Kingdom of God. It is not Christianity as a religion that achieves union with God. There is a sacrament and it is Jesus our life. This is the fact that He is us as individuals and as the new creation church. To insist that it is religion that mediates the life of God is at the least misguided and at the worst idolatry.
You are not separated from God since the cross. You are one with God and woven into the trinity in Jesus. This is your starting point and the alpha and omega of your life journey.
Thomas Torrance writes, “Jesus Christ is one person whose word is wholly involved in his act and whose act is wholly involved in his person. We cannot therefore think of his person apart from his atoning work, or of his atoning work in abstraction from his person. We begin with the person of Christ, but it is his person who carries out the work of salvation, and in the strict sense it is Jesus Christ himself, the mediator, who is the atonement.”(1)
Jesus has not come among us by the Spirit so that we can do the law. We need to repent of such bone-headed legalisms so that we can be who we are: human beings who are sons of God in spirit and in truth.
Any Christ who poses as the Upholder of the law is not the Christ of God but a false christ that is the child of misguided religion that produces children who are spiritual midgets even though they have the destiny of being priests and kings. None whose being is embedded in the law or any miasma that is not Christ Himself are priests or kings.
‘Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life’ 2 Cor 3.5 NIV.