26/11/24 14:50

M Scott Peck wrote The Road Less Travelled. It’s about those who commit to truth instead of relaxing in the false comfort of illusions that can be individual or collective. The Christian doctrine of God and the Church is catholic in the broad sense. Not Roman Catholic but catholic in that what is believed as part of the genuine beliefs of what it means to be the church of Christ. This is to say beliefs in the garden of Christian Church tradition and not grown separately as a pot plant as a deviant explanation of the Christian faith. Sound doctrine is “An example of dogmatic theology (catholic), where the biblical and economic witness (evangelical) take precedence over theological propositions. (1) Christian doctrine is not something we make up.
People may walk in semi-darkness because they prefer it that way. They like to snoose in their personal opiate. Others invent their own truth and define the whole world as wrong. Some are committed to lies because it serves narcissistic interests. Others a loyal to their version of Barabbas.
Still others walk in a haze because they are innately undiscerning. Others stumble because they have adopted confusion as their religion. Confusion because their teaching posits a false gospel and a false christ.
People may not be living fullness or walking in the light just because they are your friends and nice people. Sincere people who desire to serve God can be constrained by false doctrine because they have been misled by those who could have known better and who propagate untruth to maintain a career.
It makes a big difference to know who you are in Christ in His Truth. For example, knowing that you originated in God is more beneficial to the self than thinking that you originated in sin. I read a book once entitled ‘Original Blessing.’ Mathew Fox emphasised our origins in God. Some years ago I read an excellent compilation entitled, ‘Trinitarian Conversations.’ This work emphasised the fact that human beings, the sons and daughters of God were birthed into existence as a result of the trinitarian desire to share their joy of life with beings like themselves – the sons of God.* Thus, Kingdom Christianity is about life – which is why John declares, ‘In Him is life and that life is the light of all’.
You were conceived in God and reborn as a real self with the ability to love in the Christ of God.
You may have become accustomed to describing yourself as a sinner. True, we all sin but since the cross we are not sinners by identity. In Jesus Christ we have been joined to our origins in God and united to our destiny in Christ – united to grow into our sonship as sons and daughters of God to bring joy to Father and glory to ourselves by becoming our true selves. Our redeemed identity is in Christ.
True Selves are people who are alive as Christ incarnated sons and daughters of God. A sad thing about some very active Christians is that they are not alive in their spirit.
Falsehood leaches out life. We are not at liberty to just make a gospel up. Neither are we free to adopt an amended gospel because we think we have some extrabiblical source of revelation. Any gospel other than that of Jesus, Paul and the apostles comes from the pit. It depletes us of life and cripples our spirit.
John Crowder quotes this truth from Francois Du Tout. “Everyone who realizes their association in Him, convinced that He is their original life and that His name defines them. He endorses the fact that we are indeed His offspring, begotten of Him” (John 1:12). The word often translated, to receive, lambano, means to comprehend, grasp, to identify with. This word suggests that even though He came to His own, there are those who do not grasp their true origin revealed in Him, and like the many Pharisees they behave like children of a foreign father, the father of lies (John 8:44).” There are Christians who define darkness as light.
“Neither God’s legitimate fatherhood of man nor His ownership is in question; man’s indifference to his true origin is the problem. This is what the Gospel addresses with utmost clarity in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has come to introduce man to himself again.” (2) You will know yourself in Christ your life. But never in christ a lie. We are talking derivative and specious gospels that muffle Jesus and cripple people.
You will know yourself in Christ. Possibly not in ‘Christianity’ and certainly not in the law. A legalised Jesus is a false christ and a law-defined ‘father’ is not the God of Jesus or the Christian Church. The trinity is who God is – three persons, one God. Jesus Christ reveals who Father is and He also reveals who you are. Look into His Face. Seek His Face and you will know Jesus and come to see and know your real self. You will pass on life – not just religion.
* There’s an analogy here in the marriage relationship. The joy of a good marriage can result in the conception and birth of new persons into the world.
(1) Introduction to Torrance, Thomas F.. The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (T&T Clark Cornerstones) (p. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.
(2) Crowder, John. Cosmos Reborn : Happy Theology on the New Creation . Sons of Thunder Ministries & Publications - Digital version by Ten10 Ebooks. Kindle Edition.

M Scott Peck wrote The Road Less Travelled. It’s about those who commit to truth instead of relaxing in the false comfort of illusions that can be individual or collective. The Christian doctrine of God and the Church is catholic in the broad sense. Not Roman Catholic but catholic in that what is believed as part of the genuine beliefs of what it means to be the church of Christ. This is to say beliefs in the garden of Christian Church tradition and not grown separately as a pot plant as a deviant explanation of the Christian faith. Sound doctrine is “An example of dogmatic theology (catholic), where the biblical and economic witness (evangelical) take precedence over theological propositions. (1) Christian doctrine is not something we make up.
People may walk in semi-darkness because they prefer it that way. They like to snoose in their personal opiate. Others invent their own truth and define the whole world as wrong. Some are committed to lies because it serves narcissistic interests. Others a loyal to their version of Barabbas.
Still others walk in a haze because they are innately undiscerning. Others stumble because they have adopted confusion as their religion. Confusion because their teaching posits a false gospel and a false christ.
People may not be living fullness or walking in the light just because they are your friends and nice people. Sincere people who desire to serve God can be constrained by false doctrine because they have been misled by those who could have known better and who propagate untruth to maintain a career.
It makes a big difference to know who you are in Christ in His Truth. For example, knowing that you originated in God is more beneficial to the self than thinking that you originated in sin. I read a book once entitled ‘Original Blessing.’ Mathew Fox emphasised our origins in God. Some years ago I read an excellent compilation entitled, ‘Trinitarian Conversations.’ This work emphasised the fact that human beings, the sons and daughters of God were birthed into existence as a result of the trinitarian desire to share their joy of life with beings like themselves – the sons of God.* Thus, Kingdom Christianity is about life – which is why John declares, ‘In Him is life and that life is the light of all’.
You were conceived in God and reborn as a real self with the ability to love in the Christ of God.
You may have become accustomed to describing yourself as a sinner. True, we all sin but since the cross we are not sinners by identity. In Jesus Christ we have been joined to our origins in God and united to our destiny in Christ – united to grow into our sonship as sons and daughters of God to bring joy to Father and glory to ourselves by becoming our true selves. Our redeemed identity is in Christ.
True Selves are people who are alive as Christ incarnated sons and daughters of God. A sad thing about some very active Christians is that they are not alive in their spirit.
Falsehood leaches out life. We are not at liberty to just make a gospel up. Neither are we free to adopt an amended gospel because we think we have some extrabiblical source of revelation. Any gospel other than that of Jesus, Paul and the apostles comes from the pit. It depletes us of life and cripples our spirit.
John Crowder quotes this truth from Francois Du Tout. “Everyone who realizes their association in Him, convinced that He is their original life and that His name defines them. He endorses the fact that we are indeed His offspring, begotten of Him” (John 1:12). The word often translated, to receive, lambano, means to comprehend, grasp, to identify with. This word suggests that even though He came to His own, there are those who do not grasp their true origin revealed in Him, and like the many Pharisees they behave like children of a foreign father, the father of lies (John 8:44).” There are Christians who define darkness as light.
“Neither God’s legitimate fatherhood of man nor His ownership is in question; man’s indifference to his true origin is the problem. This is what the Gospel addresses with utmost clarity in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has come to introduce man to himself again.” (2) You will know yourself in Christ your life. But never in christ a lie. We are talking derivative and specious gospels that muffle Jesus and cripple people.
You will know yourself in Christ. Possibly not in ‘Christianity’ and certainly not in the law. A legalised Jesus is a false christ and a law-defined ‘father’ is not the God of Jesus or the Christian Church. The trinity is who God is – three persons, one God. Jesus Christ reveals who Father is and He also reveals who you are. Look into His Face. Seek His Face and you will know Jesus and come to see and know your real self. You will pass on life – not just religion.
* There’s an analogy here in the marriage relationship. The joy of a good marriage can result in the conception and birth of new persons into the world.
(1) Introduction to Torrance, Thomas F.. The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (T&T Clark Cornerstones) (p. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.
(2) Crowder, John. Cosmos Reborn : Happy Theology on the New Creation . Sons of Thunder Ministries & Publications - Digital version by Ten10 Ebooks. Kindle Edition.