10/11/24 15:14

The triune God Has drawn us into the Fellowship with God in the person of Jesus Christ. Our life in God has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with the triune God reaching out in the person of Jesus Christ to engulf us into God’s communion. God’s Life has drawn us into God’s life.
‘And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one’ John 17.22 KJV. The oneness of the trinity has drawn us into the oneness that is theirs so that we are one with self and can grow oneness with others.
Here is the basis of sound Christian theology. Ted Johnstone writes, ‘The doctrine of the Trinity holds the place of primacy in Christian theology in that, 1) it is the ground and grammar of all theological knowledge, 2) it declares that God is for us, and 3) it includes the doctrine of perichoresis, which declares that both God and humans are beings-in-relationship.’
Some faith communities have the law as the core and culture of their life. Muslims and some Christian fundamentalists see the law as the solution to chaos. Others that do not have an overt attachment to the law can be married to a culture of moralism, sin management and a Christian performance culture that is a post cross version of the knowledge of good and evil - from which all have already been delivered.
What we have been delivered into is union with God. This is not our own doing but the gift of God.
Baxter Kruger puts it well when he writes, “The Gospel is not that we can receive Jesus into our lives but that we have been received into His. Our glory is that we share in the life of Jesus and our Father.”
This is the difference between Christianity and Kingdom, old self and new birth, Church of Jesus and the institutional church and incarnation as opposed to living in externalities. We can come to the end of our life without ever having lived – in spirit and life because we lived in Christianity. Our life is not about an adherence to religion. It’s about BEING ALIVE.
The fall resulted from our seduction out of oneness with God. The resurrection is our re-weaving into the Communion that is God.
We flourish as sons and daughter of God when we live in what is ours. This is oneness with the Son.
We flourish as individuals and as the community of the church when the church is the actual manifestation of the trinity – the one substance indicated by the Lord’s Table. We live this by believing it.
‘Realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ John 14.20.
Martha was not who she was. Mary was becoming who she was. God is communion personified. When we insist on living from the law, we stifle this communion. By living from law and religion we separate ourselves from God, from ourselves and others. Community that is not the result of oneness with God will never be realised. Relatedness to self and others comes not from externalities but from union with God.
When people insist on living from Christianity instead of from incarnation, those who live in oneness must endure this as a cross and treat them as a mission field because that gospel is not Christ’s Gospel. We are encouraged in Godliness when the community we associate with is the incarnation of Christ rather than this body of death, which is religion and the law.
‘And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth’ Eph 1.1o NLT.
“The imago Dei is .. a dynamic and eschatological reflection that, while initiated and developed in time-space within creation, is ultimately only realised in the eschaton of which the church is currently a foretaste. The onto-relations work on two levels, vertically and horizontally. Vertically, one is justified and sanctified through a relationship with the triune God; horizontally, one is formed into communion with other believers in the Body of Christ, the church.” (1)
This is why we must live in Christ’s gospel rather than in a self-invented gospel or partial gospel that is no gospel at all – so that we are a living Representation of Christ and not a well-meaning paddock of tares.
(1) Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance, p. 41