18/11/24 14:11

There are those who advocate appeasement in international relations and in Christian doctrine. As though leaving people in some degree of mis-understanding has merit. Even though Jesus said “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!’ Luke 12.49. Jesus came to ignite people with the truth that He is life, way and truth in person; that it is He and not some ideology or confected perspective that unites us with God. Living the incarnation, we are trees aflame rather than dead trees on which crows gather.
The Opiated Christian may not be interested so much in that which is true. What captures him is that which is familiar and that which he and his kin have always believed. This is his identity, status, false self and vitiated life.
Truth and life are not always possessed by the sharpest mind or the most educated scholar. While intelligence is not a disadvantage the desire to know truth and life before all else – before status, identity or convenience matters. This is to say that if one possesses an unconditional passion for life/light this is the passport to the spirit and life that Jesus urged us to possess.
Spirit and life is not an abstraction. It is Jesus.
The rich young ruler was offered this unlimited life – for the Kingdom of God to be in him and the ability to fashion the world in Christ. But he chose to reject it for the limited life that he already had and which he valued more than the infinite life Jesus was offering him. There are groups of people like this. They reject the ultra life they could have for the droplets of life they’ve got.
We can spend our days denying the truth of Christ who is our life; in rationalising our religious torpor and denying the Christian doctrine of God as a habit because we value the inertia we have over the fullness of life that is Christ our life.
The most subtle sin is to reject grace, either because it appears to0 radical or because we would rather continue the version of salvation by works embedded in our souls lived and represented by our community. People baptise themselves into falsehoods by choice and are often held there because they cannot be taught.
George MacDonald writes, “Those who by insincerity and falsehood close their deeper eyes, shall not be capable of using in the matter the more superficial eyes of their understanding ..This will help to remove the difficulty that the parables are plainly for the teaching of the truth, and yet the Lord speaks of them as for the concealing of it. They are for the understanding of that man only who is practical—who does the thing he knows, who seeks to understand vitally. They reveal to the live conscience, otherwise not to the keenest intellect.” The carnal Christian is indebted to his illusion.
Loyalty to ‘Jesus Eyes’ shatters the opiated bubble in which the deluded live. This is the reason why there are Believers who have an answer for everything yet ears that do not hear and eyes than cannot see. In the the haze they have chosen fools gold when they could have had the ‘treasure’ of life without limit.