22/11/24 14:12

Tares develop from a plant of deceit. The Father of legalism is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit of legalism is dualism – involving the separation of humanity from God and the separation of thought from its Source. Inclusion in God is hope for the non-believer and spirit and life for the Believer. The way the truth and the life is the person of Jesus Christ lived by us.
Legalism involves the separation of person from being. In the law we do not live, move and have our being in God. In the law our being is in ourselves and our attempted self-justification. Here there is no Sabbath rest. No rest because there is no rest for human restlessness in the substance of self-vindication and the abstraction of the law.
In this separated state of being our epistemology is fractured, segmented and compartmentalised and framed as propositions and proof texts that prove nothing, other than that the possessors of them cannot hear or see. Dimness of spiritual discernment is a fruit of the tree of knowledge.
Thomas Torrance observes that “The problem that results from the analytical tradition of thought when dichotomous ways of thinking arise which disrupt and distort the very things we seek to understand and explain in any field of human inquiry. We isolate things from the matrix of natural relations to which they belong, abstracting their external pattern from the ground in which it is embedded and tearing their phenomenal surface from the objective frame which holds it together, thereby disintegrating them in the very way we handle them.” (1)
The notion that sin is the transgression of the law is a half-truth. Sin is separation from God producing the varied justifications for living in a theology of separation even though we have been gifted union with God – oneness with Jesus Christ.
‘For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them' Matt 13.15 NIV. Cited here is sin and the result of sin – an aversion to grace and an obsession with self-effort.
The incarnation provides oneness of being and the weaving of our self into living truth so that we are not only see the light. We are part of the light. When the word of truth lives in us and becomes us we see what Jesus sees. It is for this reason that prophetic words separated from new covenant union with God are unreliable and often nonsense.
‘For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart’ HEB 4.12 NIV. This word is alive because it is Christ. You are alive when Christ is your life. You are alive with spirit and life and you can see.
(1) The Mediation of Christ, p.47.