13/11/24 11:53

When we enter into the fullness of Christ it is because we have seen the paucity of ourselves as us and been awakened to the possibility of a full life in our better selves in Jesus. This is our advance from glory to glory. Not into something nebulous or religious but into our true selves in Christ.
This means we are called to leave behind the contractual relationship we thought we had going between ourselves and God – a knowledge of good and evil/law-based bargain in which we do stuff in order to get God to do His stuff for us. This inevitably palls because it is selfish as well as life-denying. We get to enjoy life to the full as well as become our real selves when accept what Jesus has on offer. His life as our life. When Christ is our life we are liberated from sin obsession/management to be ourselves minus a morbid preoccupation with sin. Why? Because we have a passion for life.
Let’s be clear. Our real self, will always be smothered when we live in law and religion. Laws are the edicts of the knowledge of good and evil. Religion/political correctness is the culture of it. It’s separation parading itself as life. Life is Christ our life – the trinity in you.
Following Jesus is not sin management or crisis management – although sin and crises may lead us to Jesus. Our life with Him may start with our needing Him to get us out of a hole, but that’s not where it will end. It continues with Jesus opening us to more of Himself and more of life. Life is fullness of joy, but it is in Jesus, which means that life is God – union with God meaning a oneness with the trinity which is oneness with life.
Henri Nouwen observes, “ When Jesus says, “Follow me,” something very different is happening. We enter into a different way of following because it is a call away from “me” and toward God. It is a call to let God enter into the center of our being. It is a willingness to let go of “me,” of “I,” and to gradually say, “You, Lord, are the One. (1) It is not a way of searching for the self, but a way of emptying, of leaving the self to create space for a whole new way of being that is of God. ”
Repenting may involve leaving behind our long-held ideas and replacing them with Christs’ ideas about Himself and us. True, we can remain in religion convincing ourselves that pumping up a long-held view is honouring Him. But if we do we will be among those who have an answer for everything – people who neither see nor hear even when confronted with the light and truth of un-diluted life. Those who are zombies because they are not alive.
(1) Excerpt From: Henri J. M. Nouwen. “Following Jesus.” Apple Books.